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Recurrent Disease After Esophageal Cancer Surgery: A Substudy of The Dutch Nationwide Ivory Study

04 Nov 2022 5:55 PM | Anonymous

Kalff, Marianne C. MD, PhD*; Henckens, Sofie P.G. BSc*; Voeten, Daan M. MD, PhD*; Heineman, David J. MD, PhD†; Hulshof, Maarten C.C.M. MD, PhD‡; van Laarhoven, Hanneke W.M. MD, PhD§; Eshuis, Wietse J. MD, PhD*; Baas, Peter C. MD, PhD∥; Bahadoer, Renu R. MD¶; Belt, Eric J.T. MD#; Brattinga, Baukje MD**; Claassen, Linda MD††; Ćosović, Admira MD‡‡; Crull, David MD§§; Daams, Freek MD, PhD†; van Dalsen, Annette D. MD∥∥; Dekker, Jan Willem T. MD, PhD¶¶; van Det, Marc J. MD, PhD§§; Drost, Manon MD#; van Duijvendijk, Peter MD, PhD††; van Esser, Stijn MD, PhD¶¶; Gaspersz, Marcia P. MD, PhD##; Görgec, Burak MD***; Groenendijk, Richard P.R. MD, PhD##; Hartgrink, Henk H. MD, PhD¶; van der Harst, Erwin MD, PhD†††; Haveman, Jan W. MD, PhD‡‡; Heisterkamp, Joos MD, PhD‡‡‡; van Hillegersberg, Richard MD, PhD§§§; Kelder, Wendy MD, PhD∥; Kingma, B. Feike MD, PhD§§§; Koemans, Willem J. MD, PhD∥∥∥; Kouwenhoven, Ewout A. MD, PhD§§; Lagarde, Sjoerd M. MD, PhD¶¶¶; Lecot, Frederik MD###; van der Linden, Philip P. BSc****; Luyer, Misha D.P. MD, PhD††††; Nieuwenhuijzen, Grard A.P. MD, PhD††††; Olthof, Pim B. MD, PhD¶¶; van der Peet, Donald L. MD, PhD†; Pierie, Jean-Pierre E.N. MD, PhD**; Pierik, E.G.J.M. Robert MD, PhD∥∥; Plat, Victor D. MD†; Polat, Fatih MD‡‡‡‡; Rosman, Camiel MD, PhD§§§§; Ruurda, Jelle P. MD, PhD§§§; van Sandick, Johanna W. MD, PhD∥∥∥; Scheer, Rene MD, PhD‡‡; Slootmans, Cettela A.M. MD§§§§; Sosef, Meindert N. MD, PhD###; Sosef, Odin V. BSc###; de Steur, Wobbe O. MD¶; Stockmann, Hein B.A.C. MD, PhD***; Stoop, Fanny J. MD‡‡‡‡; Vugts, Guusje MD, PhD††††; Vijgen, Guy H.E.J. MD, PhD¶¶¶; Weeda, Víola B. MD, PhD#; Wiezer, Marinus J. MD, PhD****; van Oijen, Martijn G.H. MD, PhD§; van Berge Henegouwen, Mark I. MD, PhD*; Gisbertz, Suzanne S. MD, PhD*

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