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  • Worldwide Techniques and Outcomes in Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (RAMIE): Results From the Multicenter International Registry

Worldwide Techniques and Outcomes in Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (RAMIE): Results From the Multicenter International Registry

04 Nov 2022 5:53 PM | Anonymous

Kingma, B. Feike MD*; Grimminger, Peter P. MD†; van der Sluis, Pieter C. MD, PhD*,†; van Det, Marc J. MD, PhD‡; Kouwenhoven, Ewout A. MD, PhD‡; Chao, Yin-Kai MD, PhD§; Tsai, Chun-Yi MD§; Fuchs, Hans F. MD, PhD∥; Bruns, Christiane J. MD, PhD∥; Sarkaria, Inderpal S. MD¶; Luketich, James D. MD¶; Haveman, Jan W. MD, PhD#; Etten, Boudewijn van MD, PhD#; Chiu, Philip W. MD, PhD**; Chan, Shannon M. MD**; Rouanet, Philippe MD, PhD††; Mourregot, Anne MD††; Hölzen, Jens-Peter MD‡‡; Sallum, Rubens A. MD, PhD§§; Cecconello, Ivan MD, PhD§§; Egberts, Jan-Hendrik MD∥∥; Benedix, Frank MD, PhD¶¶; van Berge Henegouwen, Mark I. MD, PhD##; Gisbertz, Suzanne S. MD, PhD##; Perez, Daniel MD***; Jansen, Kristina MD***; Hubka, Michal MD†††; Low, Donald E. MD†††; Biebl, Matthias MD, PhD‡‡‡; Pratschke, Johann MD, PhD‡‡‡; Turner, Paul MD, PhD§§§; Pursnani, Kish MD§§§; Chaudry, Asif MD∥∥∥; Smith, Myles MD, PhD∥∥∥; Mazza, Elena MD¶¶¶; Strignano, Paolo MD¶¶¶; Ruurda, Jelle P. MD, PhD*; van Hillegersberg, Richard MD, PhD*;  UGIRA Study Group

Read Abstract: Worldwide Techniques and Outcomes in Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (RAMIE): Results From the Multicenter International Registry

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