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  • Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Active Surveillance Versus Standard Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis

Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Active Surveillance Versus Standard Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis

07 Feb 2022 8:35 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

van der Wilk, Berend J. MD; Eyck, Ben M. MD; Hofstetter, Wayne L. MD, PhD; Ajani, Jaffer A. MD, PhD; Piessen, Guillaume MD, PhD§; Castoro, Carlo MD, PhD¶,||; Alfieri, Rita MD, PhD||; Kim, Jong H. MD, PhD∗∗; Kim, Sung-Bae MD, PhD††; Furlong, Heidi MD‡‡; Walsh, Thomas N. MD, PhD‡‡; Nieboer, Daan MSc§§; Wijnhoven, Bas P. L. MD, PhD; Lagarde, Sjoerd M. MD, PhD; Lanschot, J. Jan B. van MD, PhD

Read Abstract:  Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Active Surveillance Versus Standard Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer:  A Systemic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis

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