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  • Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation or surveillance in patients with Barrett's oesophagus with confirmed low-grade dysplasia: a multicentre randomised trial

Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation or surveillance in patients with Barrett's oesophagus with confirmed low-grade dysplasia: a multicentre randomised trial

15 Mar 2021 8:16 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

Maximilien Barret; Mathieu Pioche; Benoit Terris; Thierry Ponchon; Franck Cholet; Frank Zerbib; Edouard Chabrun; Marc Le Rhun; Emmanuel Coron; Marc Giovannini; Fabrice Caillol; René Laugier; Jeremie Jacques; Romain Legros; Christian Boustiere; Gabriel Rahmi; Elodie Metivier-Cesbron; Geoffroy Vanbiervliet; Paul Bauret; Jean Escourrou; Julien Branche; Lea Jilet; Hendy Abdoul; Nadira Kaddour; Sarah Leblanc; Michael Bensoussan; Frederic Prat; Stanislas Chaussade. 

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